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Pune, Maharashtra, India
Working on Oracle technology for more than 14+ years.Oracle Certified professional. Expertise in Oracle advance technologies like Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) , Oracle DataGuard, Oracle ASM, Oracle Golden gate. Experience in Area of migration/Replication of Oracle Database. Expertise in Storage/OS administration,Vertulization, Cloud technology. Activly involed in forum discussion of RAC sig and DBA village.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

ASM: Difference's between CORSE and FINE Striping

It is used for all voluminous input/output, e.g. input/output operations on datafiles.It is used for all small input/output, e.g. input/output operations on online redolog files and control files.
The size of the coarse grained data stripes is large.The size of the fine grained data stripes is small.
It manages the load balance across the disk groups.It spreads the load on disk groups reducing latency for certain file types.
The size of the coarse-grained stripe is always equal to the size of ASM Allocation Units (AU).The size of the fine-grained stripe is always 128 KB.
The size for coarse striping can be set using the _asm_ausize parameter.The size for fine grained striping can be set using the _asm_stripesize parameter.

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